NFL Supplemental Draft 2024 Cancelled

NFL Supplemental Draft 2024 Cancelled

NFL tells teams it won’t hold Supplemental Draft this year.

The NFL informed its teams last week that it will not be holding a Supplemental Draft this year. It’s the fourth year out of the past five in which the league has elected not to hold a supplemental draft, which is the league’s right under the collective bargaining agreement.

Last year, the league broke a three-year run of not holding the supplemental draft, only two players were eligible, and neither was selected. The last player selected in the supplemental draft was Jalen Thompson by the Arizona Cardinals in the fifth round in 2019.

The supplemental draft, when it occurs is held for players who for one reason or another were not eligible when the April draft was held. It runs for seven rounds, and any team making a selection forfeits its pick from the corresponding round in the next year’s April draft.

Bernie Kosar, Dave Brown, Cris Carter, Rob Moore, Terrelle Pryor and Josh Gordon are among the NFL players who have entered the league via the supplemental draft. Recent years have seen different routes to the NFL with players having options to add additional seasons (Covid), easy transfer and NIL payment. These conditions may negated the supplemental draft with players having multiple options.

The NFL Supplemental Draft will probably be dropped in the future collective bargaining agreement.

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